Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is wrong with Tiger?

  I'm just saying... what in the hell is wrong with Tiger Woods. Maybe I should say; what is wrong with his golf game. Yes he is great, yes he is a legend, and yes he will go to the hall of fame as one of the greatest golfer ever to play this game. Now saying all of that; i must say that not making the cut this weekend was very disappointing for me. Tiger must be under a spell of some sort. I just cant believe that he would allow outside distractions to interfere with his game. If I could have a word with him I might be encouraged to tell him about greatness. I would say to Tiger  that being great means that being average is totally unacceptable. For example when Tiger was king, there was this look on his face like" I'm not from this planet". Tiger know reminds me of Superman after he was stripped of his power and made human. So I blame you Lois Lane.

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